Friday, September 16, 2011

I planted my seed-Natane for Fukushima.

I planted rapeseeds in a garden at my mother's house in Yamanashi.
Scientifically, It proves that radioactive materials like cesium-137 and strontium-90 will be removed from the contaminated soils by growing rapeseeds. They accumulate those radioactive materials in the seeds or the stalks, yet those materials can't be contaminated in extracting oils from the seeds.  After hearing this fantastic story and, more importantly,  with the fact that my name literally means the rapeseed, I said to myself,  "All right then, This is a must action! "

First, I tried in a small land.  And I will do more in October.  I'd never had done farming or anything like this, so I am not sure if my attempt will have a success.  Next Spring, when the time comes, I will collect the seeds and donate them to Fukushima. So I shall see!

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