Saturday, November 11, 2006

Japanese spirit 2

"My intention for making art is to convey invisible light," he said and continued. " I was once meditating at a full moon night in Mt. Koya and I saw the moon-like light within myself, and that was what I tried to embody in my latest work." Then, he took me to his studio. The first thing that caught my eyes was a household Shinto alter. All the tools and books were in a perfect order as the grandson of Miya-Daiku. " I was taught by him to take special care of the tools as a person who makes something," he explained. The air was sacred and clean. Then, there were 2 huge painting-like wax sculptures, emanating the dim light through the wax. They were absolutely stunning and have a dignified presence. I felt as if I heard the sound of a temple bell. The work was made by wax and oil paint. The size of each work is about 1.2 m x 1.2m and 5cm thick. One has a big full moon-like circle in the middle. The other has a set of small circles, some in full, some in crescent or decrement forms, setting in a symmetrical circle. The moon-like light emerging from the semi-transparent wax looked as if they were alive. The more I saw, the more the light started moving around like the real moon. According to him, wax shrinks or expands, depending on the temperature. My feeling of excitement reached to the point where I needed to ask my mom to come. I felt that she had to experience this. She is a devout Buddhist, who got retired a few years ago after her almost 40 years of career in fashion, who brought me up all by herself. Now, she has been in a transition for life. My instinct was telling me that this artist and she would have something to share with. When she arrived and saw the work, she was speechless for a while. He and I were looking at her back against his work. " Everything disappears," she commented. "Nothing exists," she added. "What do you mean?" I asked. " Light disappears and you will be united into the work. This is the kind of work that I want to view alone," she was really into it. So, we left her alone in his studio....


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