Thursday, July 06, 2006

Be back!

I went to Canada to get the visa. I ended up waiting for more than 12 hours in Newark airport. My flight was cancelled and I was on a standby, which I could not get. I booked another flight in another airline in Laguardia airport. Half-hour later, I was about to head to the airport, yet it turned out that the flight was again cancelled. Then, I stayed to get the last flight. I was patient enough. Even in the airport, with a book, "The places that scare you," by Pema Chodoron, a Buddhist monk, I sat on the floor like a rock and tried to stay relaxed. However, when I heard the announcement of the delay on the flight, I almost screamed and broke something. GREAT. Everything seemed against me or my intention to stay in USA. I felt like going home and pack all the stuff and going back to my country. Having breakfast, lunch, dessert, dinner and lots of coffee in this airport, I was drained completely. When I arrived in Canada, it was already 1 am and everything was hidden in the darkness of the black night. Yet, all the negative feelings in a way were gone with relief. Yap, I forgot that I liked being in unknown place. In fact, for 2 days, I had fun, walking around the riverside, the national museum and small marches. The air was fresh and the greens brought easiness. The rains drops heal my mind. Sitting on the grass and listening to the sound of the winds, I felt something deeper than something: not easy to tell, but something deeper within myself. I assured that I didn't need to hold on to one place or one thing. For a month of June, I was physically in NY, yet not mentally, due to the visa situation. I felt as if I were homeless. That I could not sleep, that I cried over, that I ran around to ask for help, and all were over like bubbles. This experience made me tough and free. I saw the sunset over the Hudson river from Chelsea today, I felt I was back to NY. Commotion of the city was absent. Waiting for a bus, the elderly lady started talking to me, " It was beautiful sunset, wasn't it." " Yes, I was gazing at it actually. " “ Does it mean the end of the world?" " don't know, yet it could be better to have that day, perhaps?" We saw the sunset together until the bus came. The end of the world? Somehow, I am fine even with it. Why? Cause I can live anywhere in the universe where no paper is required. After saying good bye to this lady, I said to myself, " All right, I am really back to be in NY in the mean time!"


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