Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial day

Last Saturday. I, for the first time, sold a piece of art at the gallery where I have been working. It was one of war rugs made by Afghanistan women in Afghan. It is absolute hand made. The subject matter is wars and arms such as fighters, helicopters, and guns are patterned in the rugs. From a far distance, you will not know what the rugs are about. When you see them closer, you will see those patterns. They are contradictorily beautiful. They are not to fantasize the wars. They are just Afghanistan reality or our life. When you confront on them, you are actually exposing the reality: you might almost hear sorrows of Afghan women. The buyer was a young artist who was stunned by the image and beauty of the rugs. I didn't expect him to purchase it, but he did one week after he had seen them. I was really happy about the first sale However, I was even happier about the fact that my first sale was the artwork by the anonymous people, the fact that the buyer genuinely appreciated the value of the work. I shall say, he got art for art's sake, not for any other reason like as an investment. It gave me such great feeling. I was a mediator. The rugs came to NYC from Far East, Afghan and I connected it to somebody in the US. That is the business where I am. I felt, "yes!" I am not selling a car, clothing, a tobacco, or a poison. I am not sure about the necessity of arts, but for sure, I am selling beauty. I am selling artist's children. It will not matter for me whether the artist is first-rate or an anonymous. It was the memorial weekend. The Memorial Day was for the soldiers in the US and I sold the rug from Afghan. Couldn't it be more coincidental or contradicted? Plus, That was my first sale. Indeed, it was my memorial day. Pray for peace and will not forget the day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it

8:48 PM  

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