Monday, December 19, 2005

at the end of the year,

What I feel is just appreciation. Looking back at my past, this year was the best year, seeing many interesting and significant people, getting involved with art projects, and djing. All were coming from people's connections. For me, life is all about people and I thank nothing but people. Among billions and billions people, I encounter certain number of people and from there only a few people will remain as close friends. That is just a mystery, and I like the feeling of this wonder. This summer, I was asked by a person in one of parties, "What is your favorite animal?" as a psychological test. "A human being," I immediately responded. "....," he could not analyze it. I don't have particular affection towards any animal, as they are in their own world, which has nothing to really do with me in an emotional level. I just love people and things that are created by people. Even if I have a hard time with somebody, at the end of day, I thank him or her, as they give me a lesson to learn something. (Not in the middle of difficulty though.) I like sharing things with people without force and I could share a lot with a lot of people though art and music. Therefore, this year was the best and I can’t express how much I appreciate all. Thank all for all.


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