Wednesday, December 13, 2006

While there is a kind of life

While there is a kind of life where money talks, there is also a kind of life where a gun talks loud. Last week, almost all the artworks in Miami fairs seemed to be sold out within one day. It sounded like a bargain sale in a department. Yet, the artworks were in the highest prices. Concurrently, In NY, gunfire by the police officers has been a serious issue for the last three weeks. Whether the victims were armed or not, the police officers seemed to pick up the gun and open the fires so easily. In one incident in Queens, it seemed that one officer shot the gun for 33 times within less than an hour. 33 times? Why does one human being need to shoot somebody or something that many? We are living in a society where we might be tomorrow's victims of a stray bullet. Though I am talking about 2 different things here, yet my reaction towards them was same: I lost my appetite. Both phenomena where millions of millions of money was spent in one day and where the bullets were flying on the every corner of the streets are just insane and sad. I don't belong to both. For a while, "?" mark hangs in my head and my stomach is empty, yet both phenomena don't really affect my life in a long run. So, that's it, yet is that it really? The world is suffering: starving children in Africa, Tibetans who lost their own country, the innocent victims in the war zones, abused children and more. Do we really have a time to drop millions of bills and bullets? Could we utilize money and power in a different way? Then, what am I doing here? Some calls, I could hear, yet I have been pretending not to hear, which have yielded to self-loathing. OK, I am one of those hypocrites. It could be worse than who is not aware of anything in the world. Let me take for a walk, if I am allowed to and if I will not be shot by somebody somewhere.


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