Monday, December 22, 2008

One-ness without force

I usually donÅft like the end of something: the end of the day, a good book, a good movie, a good trip, the summer and on an on. Yet, there is one "end of..." that I love, that is, now: the end of the year. Yes, I just can't wait that the year will come to an end. It was tough in many ways. Well, have I ever had easy years? No. Have you? ThatÅfs life, but now it is a time to say good-bye to all of good, bad, pain, regrets, excitements, happiness, sorrow.... Only, I take a small luggage filled with whatever I learnt this year with me to the upcoming year, plus a blank book to write my brand new story. So how can I not be happy?
More importantly, I just love the "Happy holidays" vibe all around me and all around the world. I assume that there would not be anybody who can't enjoy the holidays and the end of the year. Family, friends, bosses, co workers, even taxi drivers, even total strangers, during this season, where ever we are, we all greet to each other, Åg Happy Holidays!Åh Beyond nationalities, religious beliefs, sex, age, we all are on the same emotional terrain and hope for the New Year. I feel as if I could hear all the sounds of joy and love from all over the world. The airs of joy travel from the ocean to the ocean, from the continent to the continent and touch my heart. It is absolutely uplifting. This is the spirit. If we live everyday like the end of the year, the whole world will be peaceful. No wars, no hates, no fights, but there is just only love. One ness without force.

"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one"

Wishing you a happy, lovely and peaceful new year 2009.


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