Sunday, August 06, 2006

summer vacation

It is not so easy to do nothing especially in the city, right? Everybody is going away for summer, as the city is not the place to have a break. Then, only some tourists who have a great ambition to do something in the city are really busy. Like everybody, since August, I am really having a summer vacation, getting a tan, reading books, and feeling relaxed. One thing that differs from everybody's vacation is that I am not in South France, Caribbean Islands or no else. I am right here in the middle of the busiest city. I actually found 2 great getaways in a walking distance from my new nest: the garden in a church and Hudson River Park. I knew about the garden in the church, as I always passed through on the way to the gallery. Like Gramercy Park, I didn't expect it to be open to the public. Surprisingly, it WAS open from Monday to Saturday. Since I figured, I have been there every 2 days or so. What is great about it is that there is almost nobody. Surrounded by the historical architectures, the big trees are swinging softly. It is so tranquil that you will completely forget that you are in the city. Then, here is Hudson River Park. I have been in NY for 4 years, yet I was not aware of the development of the area. I was the east side people and I hardly came all the way to the west before. I was stunned by the fact that how the park became organized and clean. People are running, walking, skateboarding, riding a bike, or lying on the grass with bikini along the river. It is like California! So, those two places are my spots, plus my new nest. It is strange to say that I feel very new in NY all over again. As I said in the last article, I am still not getting used to the west side. Every time I walk around the neighborhood, I find something new. Also, I was really working hard this year. Therefore I forgot how to stop or how to do nothing. (It is like a-bird-who-forgets-how-to-sing-situation.) When I don't do any productive things, I feel a bit guilt and uneasy. The commotion of the city intensifies my feeling that way. Yet, people need to have a break once in a while. Life is not only about working. Walking slowly gives us a space to find a tiny flower on the corner of the concrete street, recognize the beautiful sky in the sunset and the smell of the air. Feeling a bit out of balance, I have been forcing myself not to doing anything. Well, I've started remebering how to sing a little by little.


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