Thursday, September 08, 2005

the summer ended..

The season for the art scene in Chelsea has come back. Today is the first Thursday of September, and so many galleries had the openings tonight. I tried to make them as many as possible, popping in and out the galleries, but it was absolutely insane...full of people in the galleries and on the streets. I don't remember how many times I said to people, "excuse me," to walk though the streets. The sad thing about it is that most people are not for the art sake, but for networking and socializing, or for free drinks. I am not the exception, although I myself was not there for the free drinks, as I cannot drink. I ended up going to 20 shows, but what I remember was nothing but the people's heads.... something wrong here. I know that I need to be in the scene as a cub curator, yet I felt empty tonight... I am just missing the energy in the summer.


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