Wednesday, September 07, 2005


The sky was absolute blue without any cloud today. I headed to Parkslope area to visit an artist's studio. His name is Bill Byers. His eyes are blue like pristine water of a lake. His voice is soft like rippling waves in a lake. All his works were blue. He has been into the sky, stars, constellations, geography, and maps and using the images of those for his creations. Now, he put his concern, the issue of global warming, in his art. When you see the immense blue sky or the vast blue ocean, you will feel melted or relaxed. Then, you will realize how beautiful our earth is. Likewise, seeing his artworks, which are mostly used blue colors, brought me a sense of tranquility. Quietly yet surely, his artworks have an important message behind the canvases and the blue colors. On the way back to Manhattan, the afternoon sky was still all blue.


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